Blind Doggy Plays Catch!
my mother worried so much that her old german shepherd was going blind. i
tried to explain to her that with dogs they don't have 'society' telling
them tha...
Love being a mom!
It should be known that being a mom is bitter-sweet. Yes, things can get
monotonous. I have found that to be very true! But, I had an experience
today that...
Happy Halloween!!
I have been having some trouble with blogger lately so I have not been
able to blog very much. I finally got it to work enough to blog. I had to
blog ab...
Coming Home
It was up early on Monday so as to get the last minute cleaning and washing
done so as to leave the boarding ready and waiting for the Allen's. The
Pier's ...
An Eagle Scout!
Okay, so I've been hearing for years how much work it is to put on an Eagle
Court of Honor. I'll admit that part of me thought, "yeah, yeah." I thought
Going Private
I believe at this point I have about two people who check in periodically,
hoping for an updated post. I'm afraid that school has caused blogging to
go by...
Lauren recently moved to Orange County and we love being so close to each
other! She is the closest (distance) sibling so I'm loving it. She has had
a hard...
Primary Talent Show 2012
Our Primary has an annual talent show in November. Phoebe demonstrated
karate, Olivia played *The Dragon Hunt* on the piano, and Gina danced to a
Catching Up
Craig and Elizabeth came to visit this fall! We had a great time! Here we
are at the Mormon Battalion Center in San DiegoAt the Wildlife Safari in
San Dieg...
In which I feel like crap. But hopeful.
So. I got the advanced copy of "The Entitlement Trap." You know, that new
book that I told you about?
I was eager to read it. I love the authors. I love t...
Tyler continues to recover.
Yesterday, Tyler was moved from the cardiac ICU to the "floor." He still
has his drainage tubes and can get uncomfortable when his pain medication
wears of...
Our new hobby
We have found a new past time. It is called geocacheing. Here is the site
so you can learn more. It is a fun thing to do as a family. Lets us get out
and ...
Skyler decided to dump out ALL of Grandma's learning games, mix them up and
then fall asleep in
the middle of it all instead of cleaning them up. I don't ...
Use the 1st letter OF YOUR LAST NAME to answer each of the following
questions. They have to be real places, names, things,Nothing made up. Use
different a...
Boosting for Stacey!
Everyone go check out Stacey's blog,
she's got a great giveaway going on for 2 ARC books. They look pretty good.
I am exc...
Saying Goodbye, Again
So, to go through the loss of your three cats that you've had for 16 to 19
years, then turn around and lose a baby kitten, no older than 3 and a half
We Moved!!!
Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site!
If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either or
Small Spring-Price $42.00 - SOLD
Small USA- Price $24.00 - SOLD
Small SUMMER- Price $42.00 - SOLD
Small SUMMER- Price $42.00 - SOLD
Small LOVE -...
that is hilarious!!!! "G-rated Granma" HAH! you've been holding back on us all these years.i never knew you were the queen of disco LOL. BTW; i love your festive background---makes me grateful that we haven't had any snow yet---i'd much rather look at it on a screen than in real life ;-} brrrrrr! i think i'll go turn my heater up.
There always seems to be some little tidbit of interest...
something newsy
thought provoking
a recipe
an opinion...
just nagging to be shared!
Not to mention...
I needed someplace to organize and keep track of all the Blogs I read!!!
Perhaps - I should just say...
Megan made me do it! LOL!
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
Welcome to the final day of the 2024 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we tested
our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans through a series of mini
What Have You Been Canning this Summer?
It’s my favorite time of year! CANNING TIME! My fondest memories are
canning with friends (remember all of those crock pots with apple butter?
LOL!) I’v...
The new and improved perfect wheat sandwich bread
I am dusting off this blog for the sole purpose of posting this recipe,
which I had a half dozen requests for today. When I fell off the blogging
wagon ...
Beans...the options are limitless!
The other day I was making White Bean Chicken Chili and decided to use some
of the dried white beans from my storage (SO much less expensive than
canned be...
It seems that I can never quite escape the feeling that I need to do more
in preparing my family against emergencies. Its on the back burner of my
mind con...
A kitchen for your lifestyle
I like to tell my clients the urban legend about the new college campus
that decided not to put in sidewalks at first. They decided instead to see
Hi Everyone!
Ann writes:
Hi Everyone!
Thanks for the concern, and I'm sorry to have worried everyone.
Most of the time I was in the US I didn't have access to a compute...
Blogger Magic - Move Content Between Blogs
Some blog owners, who publish multiple blogs with different subjects, may
decide that some subjects would be better discussed in a different blog.
With var...
Spring Might Spring
I found yet another new great site. Are you ready for spring yet? I am!!
This weeks templates come from Tiggconns Scraps. Take a peek at this great
blog. Cl...
Fluctuations in AdSense Earnings
The AdSense earnings can vary from as few as two to three cents per click
to as much as one dollar per click. These fluctuations are quite normal and
are u...
Too fun! Merry Christmas Disco-L! ;)
that is hilarious!!!! "G-rated Granma" HAH! you've been holding back on us all these years.i never knew you were the queen of disco LOL.
BTW; i love your festive background---makes me grateful that we haven't had any snow yet---i'd much rather look at it on a screen than in real life ;-}
brrrrrr! i think i'll go turn my heater up.
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